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15 Mar 2021

Deploying code-server with --link


In this video, Joe Previte, an engineer at Coder, demonstrates code-server’s new “--link” feature, which automatically sets up code-server with a HTTPS domain and GitHub authentication. This works on any hosting provider and makes it easier to access your code-server from anywhere. No need to configure firewalls, domain names, or manage passwords/single sign-on.


Over at Coder, we've been working on an awesome cloud platform that makes deploying and managing code-server a lot easier for you as a developer. With it, you don't have to worry about things like TLS, authentication, or port forwarding.

To use it all you’ve got to do is run code-server with the flag dash dash link. That will then proxy code-server to coder cloud and you'll be able to access your IDE. Let's head over to the terminal and give it a try.

Assuming you have the latest version of code-server installed, we're going to run code-server with the dash dash link flag. Now before you run that, one thing I want to point out. Running it like this is fine. It'll use the default hostname, but if you like to specify it,you can pass it after the flag like so. I'll use jsjoeiotest. We'll hit enter. It'll run the command. It'll open a new tab in your browser and ask you to authorize the coder-cloud github oauth app. Once you hit authorize, it will then redirect you to your IDE.

And you'll see that load right there in your browser. So you have code-server running locally using the dash dash link flag. You can see it's a lot easier to deploy and run, and you get a lot of awesome things out of the box. So go ahead; give that a try.

Let us know what you think. If you have any feedback or thoughts, head back over to the code-server repo. Go to the discussions tab, and open up in the general channel. We'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for watching. See you around GitHub.